Virtual SEM
Cambridge Virtual SEM
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Welcome to the Cambridge Virtual Scanning Electron Microscope (VSEM) Website

Virtual SEM is a research project being carried out in the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering (CUED). Its objective is to develop web-based teaching and training solutions for novice and experienced users of the Scanning Electron Microscope.

This is a demonstration site for VSEM technologies. On this site you may browse the Encyclopaedia of SEM science and operating procedure, use the SEM Simulator to hone your skills and examine samples, or work through informative training courses and assessments covering different aspects of the SEM.

We hope you find the site useful.

Obtaining a User Account

With the exception of certain guest accessible modules, you must have a user account to view the site's content. This allows proper use of assessment modules, forums and surveys, and enables us to keep track of who is making use of the site[1]. Accounts are freely available and may be obtained through our online registration process or by contacting Dr Nicholas HM Caldwell at CUED.

As you make use of the resources on this site, we ask that you also complete our online feedback and evaluation survey in order that we can better develop the software and available material.

[1] We will never share information provided by you with third parties unless required to do so by law. However, this is a development site, and while every effort is made to keep it secure, we can offer no bullet-proof guarantees to protect your information against the malicious actions of hackers.

Course categories

 The VSEM ProjectThis course allows guest users to enterSummary
 SEM 101Summary
 History of the SEMThis course allows guest users to enterSummary
SEM Instruction 

SEM Science 
 How the SEM Works - An OverviewSummary

SEM Operation 
 Focusing the SEMSummary

SEM Maintenance 
 Part IIB - Module 4B7: VLSI Design, Technology & CADSummary
SEM Simulator 
 Virtual SEM SimulatorSummary
SEM Encyclopaedia 
 Virtual SEM EncyclopaediaSummary